Experience the grace and grandeur of the 2010 Merrie Monarch Festival with this commemorative DVD set. From the rich cultural traditions of the hula kahiko to the vibrant artistry of the hula 'auana, this collection captures the world's most prestigious hula competition on 4 DVDs.
Featuring: 56 hula kahiko and hula 'auana performances by 26 halau, 26 performances by 13 Miss Aloha Hula contestants, Behind-the-scenes extras and interviews, Commentary on each hula performance, Bonus footage of other Merrie Monarch festivities in Hilo
The Merrie Monarch Festival is named in honor of King David Kalakaua, who is credited with reviving the hula and affectionately known as the "Merrie Monarch."
(Approximate Run Time: 10 Hours, 52 minutes)